About Author

Serhii Sbitniev was born on December, 30, 1963 in Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region, Russian Federation. Since 1983 he has been living in Kharkiv, Ukraine. In 1990 Serhii Sbitniev graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts and keeps working in Kharkiv.
Since 1993
Penza Art School named after K.A.Savitsky (sculpture section)
Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts (sculpture department)
Member of the National Union of artists of Ukraine
Incentive premium in the All-Ukrainian triennial exhibition «Sculpture-99»
(for the sculptural composition «Dazhdbog»)
Diploma of the Russian Academy of Arts, the first place in the stone sculpture symposium-competition (composition «Senezh»)
Second premium of the All-Ukrainian triennial exhibition «Sculpture-2002»
(for the project «The Archer and the Muse»)
Diploma of the Russian Academy of Arts for participation in the International sculpture symposium
Winner of the creative premium of Kharkiv city Council «For creation of highly artistic creations in the field of sculpture»
Illya Repin Prize Winner, nomination “sculpture”, the project “Fatherland Soldier”
Serhii Sbitniev is the author of numerous sculptural prizes, including: «the Golden Era» (the All-Ukrainian competition for the best TV program), «the Golden Wave» (regional competition for the best TV and radio program), «the Golden George», «Saint Michael», «the Georgian Ribbon» (the International competition for the best program in the field of TV and broadcastings on law-enforcement topics), «the Waterparade» (the International competition of industrial design projects) etc. His works are stored in the Art museums of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Poltava), in the «Berlin Wall» museum (Germany), in the private and corporate collections of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, the USA, Canada.
International stone sculpture symposium, Russia, Moscow (limestone)
International stone sculpture symposium, Russia, Moscow (limestone)
International stone sculpture symposium, Russia, Moscow (limestone)
International stone sculpture symposium, Russia, Solnechnogorsk (granite)
International stone sculpture symposium, Russia, Solnechnogorsk (granite)
International stone sculpture symposium, Russia, Solnechnogorsk (granite)
International stone sculpture symposium, Russia, Solnechnogorsk (granite)
International stone sculpture symposium in memoriam of T.H.Shevchenko, Kanev, Ukraine (sandstone)
International stone sculpture symposium in memoriam of the Ukrainian philosopher H.S.Skovoroda, Kharkiv region, Ukraine, (granite)
Stone sculpture symposium dedicated to Baturin battle, Baturin, Ukraine (limestone)
International stone sculpture symposium, Lubertci, Moscow, Russia (granite)
International stone sculpture symposium, Partenite, Ukraine (limestone)
Stone sculpture symposium, Donetsk, Ukraine (limestone)
Third International sculpture symposium, Antalya, Turkey (marble)
5-th International stone sculpture symposium “Autumn. Inspiration. Penza”, Penza, Russia, (granite)
the All-Ukrainian stone sculpture symposium, Ukraine, Kherson (limestone)
International stone sculpture symposium, Bursa, Turkey (marble)
International stone sculpture symposium, Antalya, Turkey (marble)
“Nicăpetre” International stone sculpture symposium, Brăila, Romania
International stone sculpture symposium, Alanya, Turkey (marble)
International stone sculpture symposium, Ayia Napa, Cyprus (limestone)
Kömürcüoğlu International stone sculpture Colony, Denizli, Turkey (travertine)
“Nicăpetre” International stone sculpture symposium, Brăila, Romania (marble)
IV International stone sculpture symposium, Ayia Napa, Cyprus (limestone) Section A
IV International stone sculpture symposium, Ayia Napa, Cyprus (limestone) Section B
VII Kömürcüoğlu International stone sculpture Colony, Denizli, Turkey (travertine+marble)
18-th China Changchun International sculpture symposium, Changchun, China (bronze)
V International stone sculpture symposium, Ayia Napa, Cyprus (limestone and marble) Section B
Tabăra International sculpture symposium, Moldova, Ungheni (travertine)
Biga International stone sculpture symposium, Turkey, Biga (marble)
International sculpture symposium “Culture. Code. Stone”, Russia, Kaluga district (limestone)
I Gömeç International Stone sculpture symposium, Turkey, Gömeç (marble)
I Ayvalık International Stone sculpture symposium, Turkey, Ayvalık (marble)
X Transcarpathian International sculpture Symposium, Ukraine, Mukachevo (sandstone)
II International Maltepe stone sculpture Symposium, Turkey, Istanbul (marble)
III Gömeç International sculpture Symposium, Turkey, Gömeç (marble)
XI Transcarpathian International culpture Symposium, Ukraine, Mukachevo (sandstone)
VII International Symposium of Monumental Marble Sculpture, France, Béziers (marble)
III International Stone Sculpture Symposium, Uzbekistan, Tashkent (marble)
IV Gömeç International sculpture Symposium, Turkey, Gömeç (marble)