Initially feeling and mastering of small space, then greater and greater year by year.
Eventually I realized: I dream to comprehend the Ecumenical space!”
I am thankful to destiny and my parents that from the early childhood through contemplation of the surrounding world, through the game I have found myself, my place in life.
Sculpture for me is, first of all, Space… Initially feeling and mastering of small space, then greater and greater year by year. Eventually I realized: I dream to comprehend the Ecumenical space!
We that live on the Earth, are a small particle, a sparkle of the big Ecumenical energy. I think of intertwining through my creativity in global space with our islet of life to look at it from different directions, – not only from nearby asters but also from adjacent Galaxies. I aspire to feel and pass energy and space of the Ecumenical scale, respiration and silence to feel impulse of space, its rate and circular motion. Probably therefore all my creativity which lives inside me and which has already appeared is in motion, flies to space, twists and rushes.
Now I`m looking for means of rendering the Sky with all its constellations, Space and the Universe. The image of Archer (Sagittarius) in my works does not mean my devotion to horoscopes or my mere interest to ancient Greek mythology, – the constellation of Archer (Sagittarius) is the center of the Milky Way. In this direction the source of life on the Earth, a source of our ideas, feelings, creativity is hidden. It would be desirable to touch even for a moment the Supreme energy, the Supreme reason and to transfer through the art how beautiful our Earth is, how much energy and space it has!